Personal Page

Bo Huang (黄镈)

Bo Huang (黄镈)
Name: Bo Huang (黄镈)
Region: China
Competitions: 63
WCA ID: Bo Huang (黄镈)2013HUAN16
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.05.26 - 2024.06.02
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4643137753751412.8615.283579013382454777/80
2x2x2 Cube568618356624045.166.084184612597403529/29
4x4x4 Cube281780782379859.231:18.2929614959731387/7
5x5x5 Cube18325494182052:10.832:28.5417363521616977/7
3x3x3 Blindfolded902264578694:53.191/6
3x3x3 Fewest Moves10271492226.33166431555471/93
3x3x3 One-Handed164046181243520.4123.37991438111387138/139

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Shantou Open 2015Second round41 15.36 16.70
17.44     16.08     18.17     16.59     15.36
First round43 16.56 17.20
17.75     16.56     16.91     16.94     20.88
Qinzhou Open 2015Second round11 13.01 15.28
17.07     15.35     14.83     13.01     15.66
First round13 15.47 17.99
15.47     16.88     19.20     18.76     18.32
Hefei Open 2015Second round43 15.20 16.38
15.97     18.18     17.20     15.20     15.96
First round45 14.86 16.46
17.03     15.06     20.79     14.86     17.28
Nanchang Open 2015Second round25 15.85 18.26
21.27     16.32     15.85     19.54     18.93
First round27 15.90 18.20
17.94     15.90     DNF       17.18     19.49
Guangdong Open 2014Second round50 16.18 16.64
16.24     17.19     16.48     16.18     18.70
First round49 12.86 16.59
18.40     12.86     16.55     17.55     15.68
Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014First round32 15.09 23.15
19.69     DNF       17.56     15.09     32.19
Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014Second round32 15.73 17.86
15.73     18.20     DNF       18.03     17.35
First round28 15.81 17.05
16.24     20.19     16.48     18.44     15.81
Guangdong Open 2013Second round66 16.91 18.58
18.99     16.91     17.86     22.09     18.90
First round71 14.95 18.50
14.95     18.78     18.66     18.16     18.67
Guangzhou SCAU Open 2013First round25 18.61 21.25
22.32     22.36     18.61     19.99     21.44
2x2x2 Cube
Zhongshan Children's Cube Day 2018First round16 5.80 6.08
5.80      15.62     6.24      6.08      5.91
Qinzhou Open 2015First round12 7.21 8.92
7.21      8.22      10.18     8.35      DNS
Nanchang Open 2015First round14 5.16 6.51
8.22      6.77      5.16      5.63      7.14
Guangdong Open 2014First round71 5.97 7.68
7.57      9.46      11.66     5.97      6.01
Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014First round32 7.48 8.29
10.72     9.56      7.81      7.48      7.50
Guangdong Open 2013First round53 5.60 7.84
6.37      11.11     9.80      7.35      5.60
4x4x4 Cube
Qinzhou Open 2015Final8 59.23 1:18.29
59.23     1:16.11   1:19.80   1:21.81   1:18.96
Nanchang Open 2015Final21 1:12.73
1:12.73   1:19.29
5x5x5 Cube
Beijing Open 2015Final34 2:13.78 2:28.54
2:13.78   2:40.57   2:36.74   2:19.88   2:29.00
Shantou Open 2015Final25 2:10.83
2:20.84   2:10.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016First round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Shenzhen New Year 2016Final5 4:53.19 DNF
4:53.19   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
FMC 2024Final518 34 DNF
DNF       34        34
FMC Asia 2019Final151 79 DNF
DNF       DNF       79
FMC 2019Final215 31 DNF
31        DNF       DNF
FMC Shanghai 2019Final3 27 29.67
28        34        27
Second round2 24 28.33
32        29        24
First round2 27 30.33
32        27        32
Shenzhen 3x3 Days 2019Final2 27 28.00
27        29        28
FMC Asia 2018Final173 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
China Championship 2018Final15 26 DNF
DNF       26        27
Cross-strait FMC 2018Final1 26 27.33
29        27        26
Shenzhen Open 2018Final2 24 28.67
34        28        24
ZHBIT Open 2018Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
More Than One Cube 2018Final9 30 DNF
DNF       30        DNF
First round3 27 29.33
27        34        27
FMC Asia 2017Final15 29 32.00
38        29        29
Quanzhou Side Event 2017Final23 28 DNF
28        33        DNF
Chaozhou Open 2017Final2 34
Wuhan NxN Open 2017Final2 27 30.00
32        31        27
FMC Asia 2016Final1 25 26.67
28        27        25
Asian Championship 2016Final27 26 DNF
29        DNF       26
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2016Final1 22AsR 26.33
22        26        31
Cross-strait FMC 2016First round24 30 DNF
30        DNF       31
Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016Final8 29 DNF
33        DNF       29
Nanchang Winter 2015Final1 28
2015 Beijing Long Events OpenFinal5 26 DNF
29        DNF       26
FMC Asia 2015Final48 27 DNF
31        DNF       27
Beijing Open 2015Final1 26NR 28.33
29        26        30
China Championship 2015Final3 28 31.00
33        28        32
Hefei Open 2015Final2 31 33.67
31        33        37
Cube of Prime Numbers 2015Final13 28 DNF
DNF       40        28
Cross-strait FMC 2014Final3 32 32.67
33        32        33
Guangdong Open 2014Final14 33 DNF
43        DNF       33
Guangdong Open 2013Final3 42
3x3x3 One-Handed
Dongguan Spring 2019First round20 22.88 25.95
25.53     27.64     27.69     24.68     22.88
Quanzhou Open 2018First round22 30.70 32.43
32.28     31.50     33.55     33.51     30.70
Zhongshan NxN Speedcubing 2018First round43 26.20 29.96
32.66     26.51     30.71     26.20     33.67
Zhanjiang Open 2018First round27 24.27 30.36
37.91     24.27     32.36     32.67     26.04
Huizhou Open 2018First round30 26.41 30.11
39.50     28.74     26.41     32.47     29.11
Guilin Open 2018First round35 24.46 31.01
33.84     24.46     31.19     34.12     28.00
GDSY Open 2018First round38 25.60 28.48
25.60     29.34     27.03     36.52     29.08
Shantou Open 2017First round52 31.00
31.00     32.00
Maoming Open 2017First round16 20.86 28.82
28.27     36.00     30.97     27.21     20.86
GDSY Open 2017First round40 24.85 29.97
31.04     24.85     29.21     29.66     33.37
Quanzhou Open 2016Final28 31.46
31.46     32.05
TKK Open 2016First round15 21.33 23.73
23.97     23.33     21.33     26.04     23.88
Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016Second round20 23.96 26.24
24.13     27.64     28.66     26.95     23.96
First round21 22.15 26.09
25.03     24.93     22.15     DNF       28.31
Shenzhen New Year 2016First round18 22.21 24.83
22.21     25.80     24.06     28.05     24.63
Tianjin Winter Open 2015First round20 23.40 29.26
29.39     33.56     30.64     23.40     27.76
Beijing Open 2015Final22 26.68 29.21
26.68     30.29     28.02     29.33     33.69
First round20 25.13 26.86
28.76     26.55     25.26     25.13     36.78
China Championship 2015Second round61 22.84 28.82
22.84     31.81     26.64     34.04     28.01
First round64 21.45 23.37
22.22     25.82     29.65     21.45     22.07
Shantou Open 2015First round31 25.97 31.00
33.26     25.97     29.72     30.03     34.13
Qinzhou Open 2015First round11 24.50 27.49
24.50     30.19     26.65     27.78     28.05
Hefei Open 2015First round31 20.41 27.52
20.41     27.06     30.75     30.38     25.11
Nanchang Open 2015First round14 27.62 28.94
28.87     29.16     28.79     32.88     27.62
Guangdong Open 2014Second round17 23.56 25.08
24.40     25.16     25.68     23.56     31.72
First round23 23.42 24.53
26.16     23.42     31.00     23.67     23.77
Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014First round24 28.65 31.47
30.33     37.87     28.65     33.68     30.41
Guangdong Open 2013First round52 32.08 36.30
37.00     37.05     32.08     43.47     34.84
Guangzhou SCAU Open 2013First round19 33.84 48.85
33.84     1:04.51   55.79     49.70     41.07
Dongguan Mid-Autumn Festival 2018Final8 1:44.01
1:44.37   1:44.01
Guangdong Open 2018First round22 1:28.77 1:34.57
1:36.42   1:28.77   1:35.49   1:32.76   1:35.47
China's 10th Anniversary Championship 2017First round19 1:33.15 1:37.77
2:08.55   1:36.67   1:33.15   1:39.73   1:36.90
Hong Kong Side Event Day 2017Final15 1:41.97 1:50.65
1:54.73   1:54.64   1:50.76   1:41.97   1:46.54
Zhuhai Open 2017First round10 1:30.87 1:43.49
1:34.94   1:30.87   1:31.58   2:25.62   2:03.96
Guangzhou SCUT 2017Final8 1:28.01 1:31.66
1:31.44   1:30.88   1:32.66   1:36.11   1:28.01
Zhangzhou Spring 2017Final5 1:26.88 1:31.45
1:34.90   1:28.46   1:30.98   1:35.69   1:26.88
Shenzhen New Year 2017Final14 1:26.64 1:33.61
1:33.73   1:26.64   1:39.40   1:37.80   1:29.29
Shenzhen New Year 2016Final8 1:39.75 1:50.75
1:53.75   1:51.84   1:46.67   2:05.21   1:39.75
Beijing Open 2015Final5 1:46.77 1:56.36
2:13.62   2:01.05   1:55.79   1:46.77   1:52.25
Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014Final6 3:31.64
4:01.65   3:31.64
China Championship 2015First round100 8.03 13.35
13.89     8.03      13.73     13.12     13.20
Qinzhou Open 2015Final3 10.65 12.58
14.06     18.36     10.65     12.41     11.28
Nanchang Open 2015First round17 11.64 13.29
14.72     15.73     13.31     11.85     11.64
Guangdong Open 2014First round24 8.76 12.30
14.03     11.68     11.19     8.76      15.35
Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014Final3 9.07 10.74
12.31     12.17     10.62     9.44      9.07
First round7 11.06 13.08
13.87     11.62     13.75     14.91     11.06
Meizhou Open 2018First round19 8.03 9.68
8.03      10.84     8.20      13.28     10.01
Zhangzhou Spring 2017Final11 5.39 9.33
5.39      12.46     8.47      10.89     8.64
Quanzhou Open 2016Final6 7.13 8.67
8.52      7.13      8.31      10.23     9.19
TKK Open 2016Final5 4.13 6.46
5.86      7.29      6.22      4.13      9.19
Huizhou Open 2016Final6 6.40 7.09
8.15      6.40      7.63      6.93      6.70
Nanchang Winter 2015Final2 4.54 7.74
7.91      7.48      4.54      10.46     7.82
First round2 7.30 7.35
7.30      7.33      7.36      10.47     7.37
Tianjin Winter Open 2015Final3 5.78 7.42
6.84      8.76      6.65      10.05     5.78
Beijing Open 2015Final7 7.94 9.17
9.20      7.94      9.30      9.01      9.47
Qinzhou Open 2015Final2 5.46 7.48
5.46      7.62      8.51      11.09     6.31
Hefei Open 2015Final9 6.18 9.13
6.18      10.58     7.38      9.92      10.09
First round9 8.48 9.00
8.48      12.12     9.72      8.80      8.49
Nanchang Open 2015Final8 6.48 10.04
7.52      9.93      13.18     6.48      12.66
Guangdong Open 2014Final5 3.95 7.86
6.60      10.07     3.95      6.90      11.09
First round8 7.00 8.30
8.27      10.50     9.19      7.00      7.44
Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014Final3 7.31 10.56
7.31      12.28     10.97     8.44      DNF
Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014Final3 9.72 12.35
9.90      12.64     14.50     9.72      14.78
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Big 'n Blind 2017Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Nanchang Winter 2015Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
2015 Beijing Long Events OpenFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Big 'n Blind 2016Final12 DNF
DNF            DNS
Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016Final7 DNF
DNS            DNF
FMC 2024
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal518 34 DNF
DNF       34        34
FMC Asia 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal151 79 DNF
DNF       DNF       79
FMC 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal215 31 DNF
31        DNF       DNF
Dongguan Spring 2019
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 22.88 25.95
25.53     27.64     27.69     24.68     22.88
FMC Shanghai 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 27 29.67
28        34        27
Second round2 24 28.33
32        29        24
First round2 27 30.33
32        27        32
Shenzhen 3x3 Days 2019
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 27 28.00
27        29        28
FMC Asia 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal173 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
China Championship 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal15 26 DNF
DNF       26        27
Dongguan Mid-Autumn Festival 2018
MegaminxFinal8 1:44.01
1:44.37   1:44.01
Quanzhou Open 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 30.70 32.43
32.28     31.50     33.55     33.51     30.70
Zhongshan NxN Speedcubing 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 26.20 29.96
32.66     26.51     30.71     26.20     33.67
Zhanjiang Open 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 24.27 30.36
37.91     24.27     32.36     32.67     26.04
Meizhou Open 2018
SkewbFirst round19 8.03 9.68
8.03      10.84     8.20      13.28     10.01
Cross-strait FMC 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 26 27.33
29        27        26
Shenzhen Open 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 24 28.67
34        28        24
Huizhou Open 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 26.41 30.11
39.50     28.74     26.41     32.47     29.11
Guilin Open 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round35 24.46 31.01
33.84     24.46     31.19     34.12     28.00
Zhongshan Children's Cube Day 2018
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 5.80 6.08
5.80      15.62     6.24      6.08      5.91
ZHBIT Open 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Guangdong Open 2018
MegaminxFirst round22 1:28.77 1:34.57
1:36.42   1:28.77   1:35.49   1:32.76   1:35.47
More Than One Cube 2018
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 30 DNF
DNF       30        DNF
First round3 27 29.33
27        34        27
GDSY Open 2018
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round38 25.60 28.48
25.60     29.34     27.03     36.52     29.08
Big 'n Blind 2017
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
FMC Asia 2017
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal15 29 32.00
38        29        29
China's 10th Anniversary Championship 2017
MegaminxFirst round19 1:33.15 1:37.77
2:08.55   1:36.67   1:33.15   1:39.73   1:36.90
Shantou Open 2017
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 31.00
31.00     32.00
Quanzhou Side Event 2017
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal23 28 DNF
28        33        DNF
Chaozhou Open 2017
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 34
Maoming Open 2017
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 20.86 28.82
28.27     36.00     30.97     27.21     20.86
Hong Kong Side Event Day 2017
MegaminxFinal15 1:41.97 1:50.65
1:54.73   1:54.64   1:50.76   1:41.97   1:46.54
Zhuhai Open 2017
MegaminxFirst round10 1:30.87 1:43.49
1:34.94   1:30.87   1:31.58   2:25.62   2:03.96
Wuhan NxN Open 2017
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 27 30.00
32        31        27
Guangzhou SCUT 2017
MegaminxFinal8 1:28.01 1:31.66
1:31.44   1:30.88   1:32.66   1:36.11   1:28.01
Zhangzhou Spring 2017
MegaminxFinal5 1:26.88 1:31.45
1:34.90   1:28.46   1:30.98   1:35.69   1:26.88
SkewbFinal11 5.39 9.33
5.39      12.46     8.47      10.89     8.64
GDSY Open 2017
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 24.85 29.97
31.04     24.85     29.21     29.66     33.37
Shenzhen New Year 2017
MegaminxFinal14 1:26.64 1:33.61
1:33.73   1:26.64   1:39.40   1:37.80   1:29.29
Quanzhou Open 2016
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal28 31.46
31.46     32.05
SkewbFinal6 7.13 8.67
8.52      7.13      8.31      10.23     9.19
Big 'n Blind 2016
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal12 DNF
DNF            DNS
FMC Asia 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 25 26.67
28        27        25
TKK Open 2016
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 21.33 23.73
23.97     23.33     21.33     26.04     23.88
SkewbFinal5 4.13 6.46
5.86      7.29      6.22      4.13      9.19
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal27 26 DNF
29        DNF       26
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 22AsR 26.33
22        26        31
Cross-strait FMC 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFirst round24 30 DNF
30        DNF       31
Huizhou Open 2016
SkewbFinal6 6.40 7.09
8.15      6.40      7.63      6.93      6.70
Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal8 29 DNF
33        DNF       29
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round20 23.96 26.24
24.13     27.64     28.66     26.95     23.96
First round21 22.15 26.09
25.03     24.93     22.15     DNF       28.31
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal7 DNF
DNS            DNF
Shenzhen New Year 2016
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 4:53.19 DNF
4:53.19   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 22.21 24.83
22.21     25.80     24.06     28.05     24.63
MegaminxFinal8 1:39.75 1:50.75
1:53.75   1:51.84   1:46.67   2:05.21   1:39.75
Nanchang Winter 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 28
SkewbFinal2 4.54 7.74
7.91      7.48      4.54      10.46     7.82
First round2 7.30 7.35
7.30      7.33      7.36      10.47     7.37
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Tianjin Winter Open 2015
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 23.40 29.26
29.39     33.56     30.64     23.40     27.76
SkewbFinal3 5.78 7.42
6.84      8.76      6.65      10.05     5.78
2015 Beijing Long Events Open
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal5 26 DNF
29        DNF       26
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
FMC Asia 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal48 27 DNF
31        DNF       27
Beijing Open 2015
5x5x5 CubeFinal34 2:13.78 2:28.54
2:13.78   2:40.57   2:36.74   2:19.88   2:29.00
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 26NR 28.33
29        26        30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 26.68 29.21
26.68     30.29     28.02     29.33     33.69
First round20 25.13 26.86
28.76     26.55     25.26     25.13     36.78
MegaminxFinal5 1:46.77 1:56.36
2:13.62   2:01.05   1:55.79   1:46.77   1:52.25
SkewbFinal7 7.94 9.17
9.20      7.94      9.30      9.01      9.47
China Championship 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 28 31.00
33        28        32
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round61 22.84 28.82
22.84     31.81     26.64     34.04     28.01
First round64 21.45 23.37
22.22     25.82     29.65     21.45     22.07
PyraminxFirst round100 8.03 13.35
13.89     8.03      13.73     13.12     13.20
Shantou Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 15.36 16.70
17.44     16.08     18.17     16.59     15.36
First round43 16.56 17.20
17.75     16.56     16.91     16.94     20.88
5x5x5 CubeFinal25 2:10.83
2:20.84   2:10.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 25.97 31.00
33.26     25.97     29.72     30.03     34.13
Qinzhou Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 13.01 15.28
17.07     15.35     14.83     13.01     15.66
First round13 15.47 17.99
15.47     16.88     19.20     18.76     18.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 7.21 8.92
7.21      8.22      10.18     8.35      DNS
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 59.23 1:18.29
59.23     1:16.11   1:19.80   1:21.81   1:18.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 24.50 27.49
24.50     30.19     26.65     27.78     28.05
PyraminxFinal3 10.65 12.58
14.06     18.36     10.65     12.41     11.28
SkewbFinal2 5.46 7.48
5.46      7.62      8.51      11.09     6.31
Hefei Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 15.20 16.38
15.97     18.18     17.20     15.20     15.96
First round45 14.86 16.46
17.03     15.06     20.79     14.86     17.28
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 31 33.67
31        33        37
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 20.41 27.52
20.41     27.06     30.75     30.38     25.11
SkewbFinal9 6.18 9.13
6.18      10.58     7.38      9.92      10.09
First round9 8.48 9.00
8.48      12.12     9.72      8.80      8.49
Nanchang Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 15.85 18.26
21.27     16.32     15.85     19.54     18.93
First round27 15.90 18.20
17.94     15.90     DNF       17.18     19.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 5.16 6.51
8.22      6.77      5.16      5.63      7.14
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 1:12.73
1:12.73   1:19.29
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round14 27.62 28.94
28.87     29.16     28.79     32.88     27.62
PyraminxFirst round17 11.64 13.29
14.72     15.73     13.31     11.85     11.64
SkewbFinal8 6.48 10.04
7.52      9.93      13.18     6.48      12.66
Cube of Prime Numbers 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal13 28 DNF
DNF       40        28
Cross-strait FMC 2014
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 32 32.67
33        32        33
Guangdong Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 16.18 16.64
16.24     17.19     16.48     16.18     18.70
First round49 12.86 16.59
18.40     12.86     16.55     17.55     15.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round71 5.97 7.68
7.57      9.46      11.66     5.97      6.01
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal14 33 DNF
43        DNF       33
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round17 23.56 25.08
24.40     25.16     25.68     23.56     31.72
First round23 23.42 24.53
26.16     23.42     31.00     23.67     23.77
PyraminxFirst round24 8.76 12.30
14.03     11.68     11.19     8.76      15.35
SkewbFinal5 3.95 7.86
6.60      10.07     3.95      6.90      11.09
First round8 7.00 8.30
8.27      10.50     9.19      7.00      7.44
Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round32 15.09 23.15
19.69     DNF       17.56     15.09     32.19
MegaminxFinal6 3:31.64
4:01.65   3:31.64
PyraminxFinal3 9.07 10.74
12.31     12.17     10.62     9.44      9.07
First round7 11.06 13.08
13.87     11.62     13.75     14.91     11.06
SkewbFinal3 7.31 10.56
7.31      12.28     10.97     8.44      DNF
Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 15.73 17.86
15.73     18.20     DNF       18.03     17.35
First round28 15.81 17.05
16.24     20.19     16.48     18.44     15.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 7.48 8.29
10.72     9.56      7.81      7.48      7.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 28.65 31.47
30.33     37.87     28.65     33.68     30.41
SkewbFinal3 9.72 12.35
9.90      12.64     14.50     9.72      14.78
Guangdong Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round66 16.91 18.58
18.99     16.91     17.86     22.09     18.90
First round71 14.95 18.50
14.95     18.78     18.66     18.16     18.67
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 5.60 7.84
6.37      11.11     9.80      7.35      5.60
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 32.08 36.30
37.00     37.05     32.08     43.47     34.84
Guangzhou SCAU Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 18.61 21.25
22.32     22.36     18.61     19.99     21.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 33.84 48.85
33.84     1:04.51   55.79     49.70     41.07

History of Continental Records

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
 AsR 26.33Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2016Final
22        26        31

History of National Records

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
 NR 28.33Beijing Open 2015Final
29        26        30
632024-06-01~02FMC 2024Multiple Countries (World)Multiple Cities
622019-12-07FMC Asia 2019Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple cities (see website)
612019-06-15~16FMC 2019Multiple Countries (World)Multiple Cities
602019-04-21Dongguan Spring 2019ChinaDongguan, Guangdong
592019-04-13~14FMC Shanghai 2019ChinaShanghai
582019-03-02~03Shenzhen 3x3 Days 2019ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
572018-12-08FMC Asia 2018Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
562018-10-02~04China Championship 2018ChinaBeijing
552018-09-22Dongguan Mid-Autumn Festival 2018ChinaDongguan, Guangdong
542018-09-16Quanzhou Open 2018ChinaQuanzhou, Fujian
532018-09-09Zhongshan NxN Speedcubing 2018ChinaZhongshan, Guangdong
522018-08-26Zhanjiang Open 2018ChinaZhanjiang, Guangdong
512018-08-05Meizhou Open 2018ChinaMeizhou, Guangdong
502018-08-04Cross-strait FMC 2018Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
492018-07-21~22Shenzhen Open 2018ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
482018-07-01Huizhou Open 2018ChinaHuizhou, Guangdong
472018-06-10Guilin Open 2018ChinaGuilin, Guangxi
462018-06-02Zhongshan Children's Cube Day 2018ChinaZhongshan, Guangdong
452018-05-20ZHBIT Open 2018ChinaZhuhai, Guangdong
442018-04-30~05-01Guangdong Open 2018ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
432018-03-31~04-01More Than One Cube 2018ChinaShanghai
422018-03-24~25GDSY Open 2018ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
412017-12-10Big 'n Blind 2017ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
402017-12-09FMC Asia 2017Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
392017-10-01~02China's 10th Anniversary Championship 2017ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
382017-08-20Shantou Open 2017ChinaShantou, Guangdong
372017-08-19Quanzhou Side Event 2017ChinaQuanzhou, Fujian
362017-06-18Chaozhou Open 2017ChinaChaozhou, Guangdong
352017-06-11Maoming Open 2017ChinaMaoming, Guangdong
342017-06-03Hong Kong Side Event Day 2017Hong Kong, ChinaHong Kong
332017-05-29~30Zhuhai Open 2017ChinaZhuhai, Guangdong
322017-05-20~21Wuhan NxN Open 2017ChinaWuhan, Hubei
312017-04-22Guangzhou SCUT 2017ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
302017-04-09Zhangzhou Spring 2017ChinaZhangzhou, Fujian
292017-03-26GDSY Open 2017ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
282017-01-01Shenzhen New Year 2017ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
272016-12-18Quanzhou Open 2016ChinaQuanzhou, Fujian
262016-12-11Big 'n Blind 2016ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
252016-12-10FMC Asia 2016Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
242016-10-16TKK Open 2016ChinaZhangzhou, Fujian
232016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
222016-08-13~14Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2016ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
212016-04-09Cross-strait FMC 2016Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
202016-04-03Huizhou Open 2016ChinaHuizhou, Guangdong
192016-03-05~06Guangzhou Rubik's Cube Days 2016ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
182016-01-02Shenzhen New Year 2016ChinaShenzhen, Guangdong
172015-12-27Nanchang Winter 2015ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
162015-12-05Tianjin Winter Open 2015ChinaTianjin
152015-11-292015 Beijing Long Events OpenChinaBeijing
142015-11-28FMC Asia 2015Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple cities (see website)
132015-10-24~25Beijing Open 2015ChinaBeijing
122015-10-02~04China Championship 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
112015-08-02Shantou Open 2015ChinaShantou, Guangdong
102015-07-29Qinzhou Open 2015ChinaQinzhou, Guangxi
92015-07-17~19Hefei Open 2015ChinaHefei, Anhui
82015-06-14Nanchang Open 2015ChinaNanchang, Jiangxi
72015-05-02~03Cube of Prime Numbers 2015ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
62014-11-22Cross-strait FMC 2014ChinaMultiple
52014-10-01~03Guangdong Open 2014ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
42014-05-18Guangzhou Wushan Open 2014ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
32014-04-20Guangzhou Cube Splashing Day 2014ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
22013-10-01~02Guangdong Open 2013ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong
12013-05-26Guangzhou SCAU Open 2013ChinaGuangzhou, Guangdong

Seen Cubers


Visited Provinces

1Hong Kong

Organized Competitions

2017-06-18WCA CompetitionChaozhou Open 2017GuangdongChaozhou1F Multi-Function Hall, Chengxi Middle School, No.5 Xinnan Road, Xiangqiao District